

Pinnacle National Developoment Center



Shield Lockers


Shield Lockers




30 MLS Lockers (Sporting KC)

60 USSF Lockers (US Men’s and Women’s National Teams)

Locker Room Islands

Boot Room Casework and Benches

Hydrotherapy Casework

Cryotherapy Casework

Grooming and Shower Room Casework

Sports Medicine Casework

Recovery Room Casework

Physician Evaluation Room Casework


Sporting KC – 33” W x 20” – 36” D x 84” H

US National Team – 30” W x 20” – 28” D x 84” H

Setting the bar for high performance training and recovery

In 2015, the design team for MLS Sporting KC’s new training facility and KC-based sports design firm Populous contacted Shield about creating a stunning European-style solid surface locker for a world-class environment.

Shield graciously accepted the challenge.

The Pinnacle National Development Center is no ordinary training facility. Pinnacle is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between a professional sports team (Sporting KC), a national sports federation (US Soccer), and a sports medicine provider (Children’s Mercy). The state-of-the-art complex serves as a premiere hub for developing elite players, coaches, and referees of all ages. To Shield, the facilities serve as a new home for our hometown MLS team and our US National Soccer Teams, complete with locker rooms, additional coach and training team lockers, sports medicine training rooms and a hydrotherapy suite.

Shield worked collaboratively with Populous to design and construct 30 solid surface lockers for Sporting KC and 60 solid surface lockers for the US National Teams. Modern design aesthetics were paramount, but equally as important was the ability for the lockers to withstand the destructive nature of fluids, moisture, and elite athletes. The integration of sports medicine also put increased focus on using hygienic building materials that promote player safety and health. Thus, the scope was expanded to include casework for a number of different rooms, including locker rooms’ islands, boot, hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, grooming and shower, sports medicine, recovery and physician evaluation rooms, all constructed using solid surface.

In total, over 90 lockers and over 200 linear feet of casework found their new home throughout the Pinnacle National Development Center, proudly serving our hometown and national soccer teams for decades to come.

You don’t strike us as the “flight” type.